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Monday, February 2, 2015


BE IT KNOWN, there is a bug.

I didn't consider it odd there were no orders on the auction for unlimited BLP amps. I needed a Fi/Ra/Co Beast amp, and place an order for two of them at +70 markup.

Lo and behold, one order filled. Someone had sold me a beast that had less than 4 peds condition on it. Guess what? MA paid out the full 193 peds, and did not give me back the difference between the max TT that I was charged for at time of the order and the actual condition of the item filling the order.

It has been two or three days now since this happened, and MindArk has STILL not acknowledged my support case in any way shape or form. In fact, I had four other cases that have been weeks without acknowledgement. I don't know what MA's problem is but they need to get off the stick before they lose business over it.

DO NOT TRUST ANYTHING in Entropia without finding whether or not it is bugged. I lost just under 120 peds to this bug. I do not know for sure if the person filling the order got all that missing ped or if MA just simply pocketed it.

There are rumors of someone who has greatly profited by this exploit, so I don't know. 50/50 odds that they get all the money or MA does. I do know I seen someone with an order up for a beast, so I filled the order to see what happened. I DID NOT GET the missing ped. I only got the +60 it was ordered from. I had assumed that the bug might work both ways but it doesn't seem to. Seems everyone else gets the exploits and the bugs and I only get the short end of it always.

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