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Thursday, March 1, 2012

PRESS RELEASE: Next Island Mutant Boar!!!

I am pleased to publish the first press release ever on my blog...

Location: Morion Outpost

Origin: First Wave geneticist Dr. Paul Kylon predicted -- quite accurately, as it turns out -- that robots like 1314-Mary and 2922-Fyodor would not be best suited to the tropical climate on Nesoi Makaron, and he proposed modified hyper intelligent papoo as assistants to the Elysian colonists. To this end, he and his assistant Bess Mackenzie genetically altered some of the papoo to create tamer, more intelligent, talking papoo. Sebastian, at the Papoo Village, is one example.

Pleased with their success, Kylon and Mackenzie next altered the local village boar, hoping to create a domesticated herd for easier hunting. Unfortunately, the DNA of these boar was just different enough from Earth's animals to create an unintended result. Instead of a docile, domesticated boar, they created a more aggressive version.

Today, Bess Mackenzie works at Shepherd's Beach, trying to develop a cure for the hostile, dangerous boar she and Kylon inadvertently unleashed on Next Island. Bess works alone now, ever since Dr. Kylon set off one day to gather samples, and was never seen again.

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