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Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Reality of Myths and Theories In the Dynamic Universe

Everyone has their own theories, and legends, and myths that they swear by as the gospel truth of Entropia. Let me be clear. I do not dispute the validity of any of them, because statistically they are all partly true, it's only a matter of degree. But let me go further in the hopes that this will help you to see everything the way it really is.

It is a dynamic universe. It means that every little thing everyone does or doesn't do for any number of reasons affects the outcome in the end for everyone. How many of you have globalled or hoffed on your last bomb, or your last click before you were broke? WHAT IF you would have TTd that pile of loot instead of selling it for markup? All it takes is that little difference to keep you from surviving long enough to hit a big one. Especially when you compound it every time you do this.

Well... Let me get more down to my point. It is not that there aren't 100% true theories. But it would seem that they are not true for everyone, and there is a simple reason of this. Everyone plays the game differently. What works for you may not work for me. It can be a combination of Skills, Equipment, and Habit that make a certain theory work.

If all things are equal, which they are hardly ever, then yes, I am sure what works for me will work for you 100% of the time. Because I only make theories that for me, work without fail. As long as they work, I don't care if it is only coincidence, because if I do things differently, I am toast.

You don't have to believe me on this, I don't care if you do or not. Some people will who have experienced this phenomenon. I don't know how or why it works for me but it does. There are certain people who craft ore amps that if I ONLY buy and use their amps, those mining runs will either Global, Break Even, or Profit, but never losses. If I use ANYONE elses amps, I will usually get bad returns. I would dismiss it as coincidence, or luck of the draw, or whatever, except that I was so determined this couldn't be happening, that I have ran about two dozen runs til now, using their amps, and it's true for me 100%.

You might ask why I don't always run their amps if they do so good then. It is a valid point after all. Well, the plain and simple truth of it is, I am not a large depositor, and only when I hof or global a lot unamped, will I have the peds to buy amps. And I do not always have the opportunity to buy from my "lucky crafters" as it were.

But all I am saying is... This has happened to me. I don't guarantee it will happen to you, and I do no other people it has happened for as well.  But I am sure you DO have theories of your own that seem to work great for you, but when I try, there's no way they will ever work. It doesn't make the theory less true. It just means that you have to stick to whatever works. It would seem that the algorythms used by Entropia, are able to react to our style of play, and the only time I suffer heavy losses is when I do something I would never ever think of doing, and know I shouldn't do, but for the sake of fun and taking risks, I do anyways.

No one knows for sure how the software works. All their trade secrets I am convinced are server side, though,, I really do wonder about pre VU9.... My internet went down and before I realized there was no connection I had dropped 20 bombs. When I relogged, those 20 bombs were gone, and there as sure as I am sitting here was not a working connection. It would seem now that is fixed because it will just keep searching and not let me drop more bombs and after few seconds it will say connection has been lost and then yeah.

The best way to take in the theories is trial and error. If it doesn't work, figure out what you are doing wrong, if it still doesn't work, try another theory. It pretty much works out that having even a bad plan is more rewarding and productive than no plan at all.

And I know this is not my typical blog post. But theories are a HUGE part of Entropia, for better or worse. I am mainly interested in convincing you to keep an open mind, and decide for yourself what works and what doesn't. Because what makes one person rich, most surely will make another person poor.

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