Perception has been a useful skill gain. It tells me something is nearby. It could be anything. But generally, most of my globals are accompanied by a Perception gain. Some people argue there is no connection. But it seems that Perception really means there is something that your avatar sees that is beyond your radar range... In many cases, I notice that if you keep going the direction you are going when you get the gain, you will sometimes see, or find, what your Perception gain was from. In many cases, it turns out there is another avatar just a little further than I can detect on Radar, which lends credibility to this.
But it isn't limited to stuff above ground. I surmise that it is as easily indicative of something on the ground, in the ground, maybe in the air, who knows. But it indicates to me there is some change up ahead that my Avatar perceives.
I guess the bottom line is, it tells us something, but it can be anything. Doesn't mean it is not useful, but you will have to play around with it and see what you observe. In my case, sometimes another person is up ahead, or someetimes the mining gets better, or sometimes it is a mob, other times a REALLY BIG MEAN MOB! So it is plausible it means something is there. There is just no knowing until you see it for yourself or find it.
or sometimes just random, and you searching until happening something..