In my case, I run a Dell e525w, the print quality is great, and if it was any cheaper to use, Dell would have to pay me for printing with it. (No, I don't buy the factory toner... 2K peds for a set of new brand name toner? Nope not happening. $19 on eBay. And I have yet to see proof that the quality varies between the two... I can't guarantee there aren't unscrupulous oddball sellers cutting their toner with talcum powder or something, of course. For my IT background, I pride myself in figuring out the unsolvable hardware problems. I could fix things my bosses weren't able to. When I had bosses. I always rather work for myself.
What I am getting at is, the world runs on paperwork, but today my laser printer went from working perfectly to not wanting to print at all. It took half a day away from my Entropia game time because I had shipping labels that HAD to be printed today, these shipments were already a bit late because of holidays etc, and with new toner and a decently high-quality laser printer, it should be fixable right?
I did everything the manual said, cleaning the sensors for the toner density, making sure the firmware was updated, etc. Nothing worked. I scoured the forums and Google, nothing remotely close to fixing this. I could only eventually find responses to an OP who's post I couldn't seem to get to, but I could read the replies... Something about a "Russian fix". So, I figured how would a Russian approach such a problem, other than blowing it up or shooting it, what have I got to lose. I unplugged the printer, carried it over to the middle of the room, and dropped it from about four or five inches on the floor. A few times. The result was a pile of miscellaneous toner on the floor. I plugged the printer in, let it do its cycling, particularly if you have an error code that won't clear, you will have to shut the printer off, pop one cartridge, turn it back on, put cartridge back in, if the code comes back, then you have to repeat with a different cartridge until you no longer get the error again. After doing this...
My printer works like new! Prints better than ever! And I was > < that close to throwing it out and getting a new printer. This of course will save you money which means you can deposit more, and waste less! Although, Im not entirely sure the way loot is these days if that's not the same thing.
And for the non-Entropians who find this blog post, you really probably should at least explore Entropia and give it a chance if you like gaming, ignore the bad remarks sore losers make when ranking the game on various websites, just take a look around. Yes there is a lot to criticize, but there really is some opportunity here, and they have no real competition in the Real Cash Economy niche. To quote an anonymous gambler from the old west... "The wheel might be crooked, but it's the only game in town."
I am of course not responsible for you being too rough with your printer and breaking it... It is just that if you are about to throw it out of the window or something, you've nothing to lose by doing what I did. And no I couldn't find any reference at all to needing to pull a cartridge to clear the error code; since I had no access to anything else integral to the printer, the menus all locked out buttons not functioning with the error code, I figured it had to be the cartridges. I suspect the manufacturer would leverage you into paying a ransom to their tech support for this information, hence why the error says to "call them" I am sure.
I do have some new Entropia related posts to make soon. I haven't forgotten about this blog, it's just, MA changes and implements things slower than a turtle can make a 'Round the World trip. Many of my posts are obsolete from long ago, many aren't, but anything obsolete is kept around strictly as a time capsule and record of the way things once were, or at least probably were and possibly still are.
Also, Google has permabanned me from making any revenue with Adsense, so you have a relatively ad-free experience here. Please take a look at the few banners or links I have up, and if anything is useful or interesting to you, your taking a look is greatly appreciated. Everything advertised here is either something I've made or done myself, or is something of exceptional utility and quality that I felt was worthy to bring to your attention. Afterall, it does me no good to advertise things that are not of use or interest to my audience.