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Saturday, January 30, 2021

MA's version of RCE Simplified for New Players

 If you are like me, then you know anything worth doing is worth doing for money. But, with my 14 years in the game at the time of this writing, it is my hope I can clear up some issues for those not certain if this is the right game.

When I started, the withdrawals were processed within a month for the most part. Now, its three to four months for a withdrawal to hit your bank account. I don't think it has anything to do with them not having the cash to pay everyone off, on the contrary, I think they are so reluctant to give us any money back that they make it take so long in order for us to reconsider cashing out; it is entirely possible we will end up depositing more than we've withdrawn in the time it takes to get that money. Which, of course, makes withdrawing a moot point.

If you are going to operate the game like a business, craft and sell for profit, trade for profit, own and operate land areas and shops for profit, then its probably worthwhile to get a cycle of cashouts going, but it will take you time to do. 

Money put into Entropia is not considered "assets" or "investments"... i.e. MA doesn't guarantee anything you own in the game. The terms and conditions are fairly disheartening for anyone who might take the game seriously.

But, it isn't all bad. It is just different. It takes getting used to. If you are going to commit vast sums of money to the game, please make sure you read the terms and conditions and understand what it is implying.

Yes, there are quicker ways to cash out; but they are against the terms and conditions. I do NOT advocate doing this, I am only reporting it as a fact that people DO do it. There are people who will sell their peds for cash or cryptocurrency, the buyer of the peds saves the deposit fees, and the person selling the peds doesn't have to wait a financial quarter to be paid. Ultimately, MA needs to increase the frequency of their payouts, or they may not thrive to their full potential.

IF you plan to exchange currencies outside of the sanctioned Entropia way; PLEASE be careful about how much and what you say in the chat in game; it IS monitored and I know people who have lost their accounts for even SUGGESTING they were going to give Bitcoin in exchange for peds. It doesn't seem to worry Mindark that they are throwing customers out on their asses who lose thousands of dollars a year; I reckon they figure they can just tighten down the loot some more and make up for it that way.

The moral of the story is, if you don't play by the rules, don't let MA know about it, ok? And if you plan to play by the rules like I do; then be aware there is very little liquidity.

If you are going to be a trader, be aware there is a lot of competition. If you are going to be a crafter, you are going to need to figure out what niche appeals to you and focus on that niche. If you are going to buy land, you will need to take a look at what is available for sale, generally you will find posts on the forums about such things being for sale. No two land areas are the same, they will have their own unique mix of ores and enmatters. If you are lucky and get good minerals, you will be able to attract a lot of miners if your taxes are set fairly... I strongly recommend not setting taxes over 4%. People mine with 5 and 6%, but only on the asteroid (FOMA), and only because the blast radius is smaller and the claim sizes are boosted meaning they will gladly pay 5% in tax for a shot to hit a $42,000 claim (417,000 peds give or take a few is the current #1 mining All Time High). So, whoever owned that dome got at least $2100, not bad. And just off that one claim, so, you can see, land is a great idea in entropia, but it is going to cost you a bit, too.

It is cliche at this point to say if you are going to hunt or mine, aim for markup. The problem is, the higher the markup something has, the less of it is dropping, so, you never quite make ends meet on markup. Mining is probably your best chance because you can almost always get markup on anything that is mined. Even if you have to sell large quantities in small amounts. At the end of the day it is only markup that will overcome the expenses of running around and doing stuff in the game.

I know a lot of people are bored out of their minds from long winters, lockdowns, life having pretty much been cancelled. I know a lot more people are making their fortunes on cryptocurrency, and gamestop, oh man that is so epic to watch. I do believe Silver will be the next big short squeeze. I am told something like 180 ounces are short-sold for every 1 ounce that exists... Thats the same as borrowing one ounce of silver, selling it, borrowing it back from the person you sold it to, and selling it to someone else, 180 times... But some day you have to give those 180 people back their 1 ounce of silver, each. It is going to get interesting once it takes off. But I guess my point is, if you've made a bunch of money off something, and you are bored, Entropia probably has something to offer to you. Hell, if you are excellent at playing Elite Dangerous, you might just have the ability to make a go of being a pirate in space; but they've implemented space so poorly its almost cringe to try to do anything in space. I really really hope they unlock their full potential of space some day.

So, I've given you enough knowledge to be dangerous I suppose, please note nothing I've said here is to ever be construed as financial advice in any way shape or form. I just wanted to highlight some things that will either make Entropia appeal to you or not. It is better to find out it is a waste of time or not before you spend a lot of time on it.

The game has cost me a lot over the years. But it has given me a number of incredible friends that I'd never have had without this game, so, yes, for me it was worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. The whole game is a money grab. I really don't mind paying a subscription value, ie, 15 to 20 USD. However, it it a serious deterrent to me when I see how the mob dodge my gun 6 times in a row, or suddenly higher fees for auction. Or, or, or.
    Most games are built to allow the player to "win" in basic ways. That is you put in the effort and you get to have enough ammo to play or you can acquire what you need to craft.
    I have been playing 5 years. I play other MMO way more because with entropia, I constantly feel manipulated and screwed with.
    With Virtuverse coming out, I am likely going to sell out from entropia and bail on the game.
